Monday, August 24, 2009

Window Vista : Should I upgrade to Vista

I have been thinking about upgrading my current XP machine to Vista. The XP computer works great right now and I have no troubles with it but I have heard some good things about Vista and also some bad. Is Vista a worthwhile upgrade or should I hold off until something better comes along?

Vista is reliable, stable and surprisingly secure operating system. I would not recommend you upgrade your current XP PC to Vista only because people who upgrade usually have problems with the older hardware. But if you were to buy a newer computer than I would definitely recommend getting Vista if it didn’t already come in the package. There is no reason to upgrade your XP computer to Vista especially if its working reliably and does everything you need.

There are no features in Vista that are compelling enough in my personal opinion to upgrade from XP so save your money and stick with XP until you’re ready to buy a new PC.

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